The Vineyards

Our vineyards, about 9 hectares, are all on the Register of the D.O.C.G., and produce above all Sagrantino grapes, but also the local white Grechetto, Sangiovese, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Sagrantino is a red berry vine special enough. Very close grapes and a thick skin rich in tannin. They’re also rich in polyphenols and sugar. In our lands, during harvest- usually the half of October – they easily reach 21/22 degrees in sugar. Here Sagrantino finds an ideal “ terroir”: in fact a loose soil –cobbles and grit alternate with clay – joins a sunny and windy exposure. Thus important temperature ranges take place helping the complexity and strength of the smelling.

Respect for Nature

  The Oldest places

in wich Sagrantino has ever grown